Sad Game, 2025, Video Game

Sad Game combines choose-your-own-adventure storytelling, web novels, and micro-puzzle gameplay to explore themes of burnout, uncertainty, sadness, and anxiety. The player navigates the turbulence of early adulthood, balancing multiple jobs, friendships, and a fledgling creative practice, while drifting through sketchbook doodles that reflect their inner world. By illuminating the everyday realities of depression, the game challenges social stigma and offers a relatable, experimental narrative on mental health.

Home Movie, 2020, Video Game & Installation

Home Movie is a video game that acts as a medium to preserve and historically document the local history of Detroit during the 90s and early 2000s. It navigates through an elastic world using the mechanics of games combined with archival resources to reimagine the westside of Detroit. The project is built on a foundation of collective memory, incorporating interviews, family dialogues, and archival footage to reconstruct the neighborhoods of my youth.

Wrath, 2016, 3D Animation

The video was a product of my fascination with connected consciousness experienced within a digital realm. Like other recent works, Wrath, thrusts the viewer into a hyper realistic world ripe with transgressive situations. These images invite the viewer into a mixed reality space, while playing with notions of nostalgia. The landscapes draw inspiration from forgotten environments surrounding my childhood home in Detroit, as well as the surreal environments found in early video games.

Antelope Canyon was formed by erosion of Navajo Sandstone, primarily due to flash flooding and secondarily due to other sub-aerial processes.

Navajo name

The navajo name for the canyon is Tsé bighánílíní

Only with guides

The canyon is only permitted with guides

Untitled, 2018, Video Installation

Untitled, draws inspiration from MMORPG loading screens, portraying Earth’s ice caps in a near-collapse state due to global warming. Suspended in time, this realm teeters on environmental ruin, mirroring our planet’s precarious and unyielding response to climate change.

Antelope Canyon was formed by erosion of Navajo Sandstone, primarily due to flash flooding and secondarily due to other sub-aerial processes.

Navajo name

The navajo name for the canyon is Tsé bighánílíní

Only with guides

The canyon is only permitted with guides

Beechwood, 2022, Real-time installation

Beechwood, located at the intersection of Beechwood and Ivanhoe on Detroit's West Side, is a site steeped in memory, honoring a once-forgotten community. It bridges past and future through simulations that interweave different eras

Antelope Canyon was formed by erosion of Navajo Sandstone, primarily due to flash flooding and secondarily due to other sub-aerial processes.

Navajo name

The navajo name for the canyon is Tsé bighánílíní

Only with guides

The canyon is only permitted with guides

Grand & Euclid, 2021, Laser etched lightbox

Grand & Euclid continues the exploration of perception and memory through a laser-etched lightbox that reactivates its surrounding space. Shifting light and shadow blur the boundaries between past and present, presence and absence, inviting viewers to engage with layered histories. This image shows a close-up of the etching on the lightbox.

Antelope Canyon was formed by erosion of Navajo Sandstone, primarily due to flash flooding and secondarily due to other sub-aerial processes.

Navajo name

The navajo name for the canyon is Tsé bighánílíní

Only with guides

The canyon is only permitted with guides

Ivanhoe, 2019, Clear acrylic, Aluminum wire, and ink etching

Ivanhoe is a meditation on perception and memory. The material's transparency and the point-cloud technique blur the lines between viewer and participant, as well as between physical space and memory, enhancing immersion and intertwining reality with recollection.